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Queenstown Secondary National Police Cadet Corps
Campcraft is a multifaceted learning experience for NPCC cadets that goes beyond camping skills. It instills important life skills, encourages personal development, and fosters outdoor recreation.
Through campcraft, the cadet leaders prepare the junior cadets for Adventure Training Camp at Pulau Ubin, campcraft competitions and promotion tests. The campcraft skills learnt include tying of the 8 basic knots, lashings as well as tent pitching. Lessons are conducted in classrooms or outdoors in our school.
Mastering the Art of Campcraft
Building Skills
Below are some brief details about the campcraft skills needed for each level
Secondary 1 Campcraft
Basic Knots
Figure of 8
Tent Guy Loop
Manharness Knot
Clove Hitch
Timber Hitch
Reef Knot
Sheet Bend
Chain Knot
Sheep Shank
Basic Lashings
Round Lashing
Square Lashing
Sheer Lashing
Secondary 2 Campcraft
All Knots and Lashings
Tent Pitching
Erecting a flagstaff
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