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Year 2 Programmes

Year 2 NPCC cadets participate in a diverse array of programs aimed at building on their foundational skills and fostering advanced leadership qualities. The programs are focused on preparing them for greater responsibilities within the CCA and the challenges that lie ahead. 

image from Singapore Police Force Facebook


Basic Law

Cadets will learn criminal laws in Singapore, the various types of crimes and how we determine if a crime has been committed. After completion, the cadets will be awarded the Basic Law Badge.  


SANA Course

The Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA) is a course conducted by SANA in collaboration with NPCC for Secondary 2 cadets.

The objectives of the SANA workshop are to give cadets information on illegal drugs, the harmful consequences of drug abuse and how to lead healthy lifestyles without relying on substances. To find out more about drug abuse, please visit SANA website.

image from SANA website


Community Safety & Security Program (CSSP)

CSSP aims to help cadets understand that to be socially conscious is to take ownership of educating the school community on safety and security as well as to assist in enforcing those values and beliefs through actions.  To achieve it, the cadets will plan and execute a project. Please visit our CSSP page for past projects.


Adventure Training Camp (ATC)

The annual camp is a key NPCC event and is held at Pulau Ubin. During the camp, the cadets go through a series of activities that test their leadership and problem solving skills. They will need to apply their foundational skills from Year One such as Campcraft skills. They also have opportunities to interact with cadets from other schools and make friends. Upon completion, the cadets will receive the ATC Badge. 


Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course (LMSC)

The cadets will go through LMSC to become more confident and effective leaders, in preparation for their leadership roles in Year Three. They will be pushed and challenged throughout this course with various lessons and activities that enhanced both their hard-skills and soft-skills. 


Total Defence (Silver)

In this course, the cadet will work on a storyboard for N.E.mation and submit. N.E.mation! is an annual inter-school digital animation competition organised by Nexus for students to express their thoughts on Total Defence. The cadet will also faciliate a Guardians of the City lesson to his/her junior. Upon completion, the cadet will be awarded the Total Defence (Silver) Badge. For past works submitted on N.E.mation, please visit their Youtube Channel.

image from MINDEF website


Second Class Drills

Mastering 2nd class drills and passing the test is one of the requirement for fulfilling Level 2 Achievement for LEAPS 2.0. 

Please visit our Second Class drill page for more information. 


Civil Defence Course

The Civil Defence Course is conducted in collaboration with the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) as part of our SGSecure effort at one of the fire station division. During the course, the cadets will learn about the relationship of Civil Defence with the concept of total defence, be equipped with on core lifesaving skills and

be familiar with essential emergency procedures. Upon completion, the cadet will receive the Civil Defence Badge. For more information on Civil Defence, please visit the SCDF website


Cadet Leader Course

The Cadet Leader Course focuses on advanced leadership development. Engaging in leadership scenarios provides practical experience, refining decision-making and teamwork. Tips and strategies for effective leadership are imparted, preparing cadets for increased responsibilities. 


Unit Camp

The Annual QTSS NPCC camp is organised by the Secondary 4 cadet leaders for all cadets. During the camp, the cadets were given opportunities to lead, to bond, to develop values such as responsibility and to improve skills in NPCC. 


Unarmed Tactics

Cadets are taught the basic movements including stances and shuffles, blocks, stuns and defensive techniques. The four-hour course equips the cadets with the basic knowledge of self-defense and rules of engagement which they could use to defend themselves.


Air Pistol Enrichment Programme

The programme provides an opportunity for the cadets to familiarize themselves with the safety procedures and also to learn how to aim properly. For the Secondary 3 cadets, this was also the time when they could prepare themselves for their live round .22 revolver shooting at the Home-Team Academy (HTA). 


.22 Pistol Dry Practice

The cadets are trained in the safe handling of the 0.22 Smith and Wesson revolver during the Dry Practice before they are allowed to experience the live shoot in the Home Team Academy (HTA) range. Dry Practice sessions will introduce the cadets to the actual revolver in the form of both theory and practical lessons. Cadets will learn the marksmanship principles, safe handling of the revolver and immediate action drills to prepare them for the live shoot. 


Road Safety Marshal

Our cadets acted as road marshals to assist primary school children in road safety. They apply the road safety knowledge during the duty and give the children opportunities to learn about the traffic laws and abide to them.

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