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Queenstown Secondary National Police Cadet Corps
11 Basic Knots

1. Thumb Knot
stopper knot
prevent rope from fraying
2. Figure of 8

( easier to undo compared to thumb knot )
stopper knot
prevent rope from fraying
prevent the end of the rope from running out of pulley block

3. Reef Knot

joining two ropes
ending a who
tie bandages

4. Sheepshank Knot

shorten rope
prevent strains on worn part of rope

5. Clove Hitch

Secure a rope to an object ( without much strains )
start with a lashing

6. Sheet Bend Knot

joining 2 ropes of unequal thickness
tying a rope to a loop

7. Bowline

used as a rescue knot
secure a line to a sleeve ring

8. Tent Guy Loop

To create an adjustable loop to act as a pulley mechanism that will give a mechanical advantage in the tightening of guylines
9. Manharness Knot

10. Timber Hitch

11. Chain Knot

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