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Campcraft Skills (Knots)

Explore the fundamentals of campcraft skills. 
Watch instructional videos and diagrams to master the essential techniques, then practise, practise and practise!

11 Basic Knots

thumb knot

1. Thumb Knot

  • stopper knot

  • prevent rope from fraying

2. Figure of 8

figure of 8 knot

( easier to undo compared to thumb knot ) 

  • stopper knot 

  • prevent rope from fraying

  • prevent the end of the rope from running out of pulley block

figure of 8

3. Reef Knot

reef knot
  • joining two ropes

  • ending a who

  • tie bandages

reef knot

4. Sheepshank Knot

  • shorten rope

  • prevent strains on worn part of rope

sheep shank knot

5. Clove Hitch

clove hitch
  • Secure a rope to an object ( without much strains ) 

  • start with a lashing

clove hitch knot

6. Sheet Bend Knot

sheep bend knot
  • joining 2 ropes of unequal thickness

  • tying a rope to a loop

sheet bend knot

7. Bowline

bowline knot
  • used as a rescue knot

  • secure a line to a sleeve ring


8. Tent Guy Loop

tent guy loop
tent guy loop

To create an adjustable loop to act as a pulley mechanism that will give a mechanical advantage in the tightening of guylines

9. Manharness Knot

Man Harness Knot
Manharness Knot

10. Timber Hitch

timber hitch
timber hitch

11. Chain Knot

chain knot
NPCC Mission

The mission of the National Police Cadet Corps is to develop our members to be active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with Singapore Police Force to fight crime and keep Singapore safe.

Our Unit's Mission

Our unit's mission is to develop disciplined, compassionate individuals through resilience, teamwork and integrity ready for a lifetime of leadership and service.

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